Positions are available immediately and for the 2024-25 School Year. For more details or to apply, please complete the Opportunities Inquiry Form.
CISP wants teachers who have been called by God to serve. Teaching at the Christian International School of Prague (CISP) means serving as a missionary who raises support. If you have any questions about support raising, please fill out the Opportunities Inquiry Form.
Immediate Needs
Secondary Social Studies

Do you have a passion for history and understanding current events?
A secondary social studies teacher will provide academically excellent instruction in social studies, history, geography, and politics, utilizing a US-based curriculum from a Biblical perspective.
Secondary Math Teacher
Do you have a passion for math and helping students learn to love math? CISP is looking for Secondary Math Teachers for the 2024-25 School Year!
A secondary math teacher will teach leveled, multi-grade classes, typically smaller in size, using a teacher-developed curriculum that integrates geometry and algebra concepts into each course.
Openings for 2025-26 School Year
Grades 1-12
P.E. Teacher
Do you love being active? Do you enjoy fostering a love of athletics in children? We are looking for a Christian educator qualified to teach physical education to our students.
A PE teacher will focus on participation, cooperation, and skill acquisition that furthers motor, cognitive, and physical skills related to sports and fitness, as well as educate students on the components of a healthy lifestyle. The PE teacher may also be asked to assist with planning and preparation for field day.
Učitele češtiny
Učitele češtiny jako cizího jazyka / češtiny pro rodilé mluvčí
Informace o pozici
- HPP nebo DPP (podle domluveného rozsahu spolupráce), plat dle domluvy a rozsahu práce.
- Výuka češtiny pro cizince/češtiny pro rodilé mluvčí (dle českého kurikula)
- Výuka probíhá v malých skupinách (cca 2-15 studentů ZŠ a SŠ z celého světa)
- Vhodné i pro studenty VŠ
- Výuka v malých skupinách
- Mezinárodní prostředí
- Přátelský a povzbuzující kolektiv
- Živá víra v Ježíše Krista
- Univerzitní diplom nebo probíhající studium bakalářského nebo magisterského oboru (výhodou je pedagogické a lingvistické zaměření)
- Aktivní znalost anglického jazyka (komunikace s kolegy a rodiči probíhá převážně v AJ)
- Ochota a schopnost učit se a pracovat kreativně a flexibilně
- Ochota pracovat se studenty z různých kultur
- Aktivní znalost práce na PC
- Předchozí praxe není nutná
Předpokládaný nástup: srpen 2024
Elementary Art Teacher
Do you love to create? Are you artsy? We are looking for a Grade 1-3 Art Teacher so that we can offer more art classes!
A specific job description is available on request.
Elementary P.E. Teacher
Do you love being active? Do you enjoy fostering a love of athletics in children? We are looking for a Christian educator qualified to teach physical education to our elementary students.
An Elementary PE teacher will focus on participation, cooperation, and skill acquisition that furthers motor, cognitive, and physical skills related to sports and fitness, as well as educate students on the components of a healthy lifestyle. The PE teacher may also be asked to assist with planning and preparation for field day.
Secondary (Middle & High School)
Secondary Classroom Teachers

Do you love learning and want to foster this love in others? Do you want to share Christ with the nations? CISP seeks a Secondary Classroom Teachers for the 2024-25 school year. We are looking for teachers in all areas and subjects. Join our community of caring staff and diverse students!
Secondary Science Teacher
Do you have a passion for science and helping students explore the wonder of God’s creation? CISP is looking for Secondary Science Teachers.
A Secondary Science teacher will provide high-quality science instruction within a Christian environment, using an English-language, US-based curriculum taught from a biblical perspective.
Secondary Bible Teacher
Non-Teaching Positions
Are you passionate about school leadership? Do you want to help teachers and students achieve their best? We are seeking a qualified Christian principal!
A principal provides spiritual, educational, and administrative leadership to the school. Through leadership, a principal strives for excellence by guiding, inspiring, and directing all phases of the school’s operations, programs, personnel, and environment in accordance with the direction and policies set forth by the Director and the Administrative Board.
Digital Content Manager

Social media savvy? Content creation expert? Website guru?
The CISP Digital Content Manager is responsible for creating original and compelling content that resonates with our audience across platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube. This person will also oversee the school website and update as needed.
Athletic Coordinator
Are you passionate about athletics? CISP is looking for an athletic coordinator to develop sports and athletics at our school.
Supplemental Services Coordinator
Do you desire to assist students in developing the skills needed for success in school and life? CISP is looking for a supplemental services coordinator.
A supplemental services coordinator will assess the academic needs of students and establish clear lines of communication regarding school goals, accomplishments, practices, and policies with parents and teachers.
Knight School Coordinator
Do you desire to connect with parents and the school community? CISP is looking for a Knight School Coordinator to develop a program for our parents.
Future Opportunities
Elementary Classroom Teachers

Do you love learning and want to foster this love in others? Do you want to share Christ with the nations? CISP seeks a Elementary Classroom Teachers for the 2026-27 school year. Join our community of caring staff and diverse students!