Lego Robotics – 6th grade only
Run by KIDDUM – LEGO EDUCATION programs are specifically designed for children and incorporate STEM system of learning combining subjects of math, physics, mechanics, information technology and robotics.
Price semester 1 ( 14 lessons): Grades 3-6 4200 CZK (90min)
Price semester 2 (18 lessons): Grades 3-6 4500 CZK (90 min)
Sign up with the office / PAYMENT – click here to pay online, switch to English on the top right of the page and follow directions
ASL – American Sign Language
Led by Mrs. Swearman.
Wednesdays in Art Room during lunch: MUST SIGN UP in the office. This club is a little low-key and will be students eating their lunch and learning ASL.
If you want to more serious about it: Tuesday 8th Period 15:00-15:45 (For Middle School) and 15:45-16:30 (For High School) – sign up at the office
Basketball – starts October 2
Led by Mr. Mark.
Wednesday after school. Must sign up at the office. Grades 7 and up.
American Karate
Meets on Thursday 15:00 – 16:00. Led by Mr. Jarrod Harmaning.
Sign up at the office /Costs 5000 CZK for a year or 2500 per semester.
MS Art Club MS+HS
Meets on Tuesday 3:50-4:45. MS students can wait in study hall. Multi-media projects exploring color, shape and texture! Drawing.
Sign up at the office / Costs 1500 CZK per semester.
Meets on Monday and Friday 8th period until up to 16:30. Led by Mr. Vartan Agopian. Sign up with Mr. Agopian or Mrs Riegle. More information at the office.
Drama Club
Led by Mrs. Casey Tuminello. Stop by if you are interested.
Yearbook Class
Meets on Thursday 15:45-16:30. Led by Mrs. Casey Tuminello.