Christian International School of Prague is looking for parents and people from our community to help out as substitute teachers for all grade levels. We have full day and partial day opportunities throughout the year. Experience with children is preferred but not required; subject lesson plans are prepared by the classroom teachers. If interested in an occasional call to serve as a substitute, please email [email protected] and complete the application.
CISP offers the following volunteer opportunities
- Be a part of the Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO)
- Serve as a room parent
- Chaperone field trips
- Lunch monitor or recess supervisor
- Aide in the library, for a teacher, or in the office
- Share your talents, skills, and expertise as a guest presenter in the classroom or chapel
- Use your skills and expertise in the area of building maintenance
- Coordinate or supervise service projects
- Lead music for a chapel service
- Participate in a parent prayer group
- Lead or help with a student club
- Translate documents or interpret for meetings
- Help with Fundraising Events
- Cook or bake for school events
- Substitute teaching
- Tutor