What is the educational program like?
- We provide an academically challenging education in English, for a diverse student body in grades 1 -12. Students are taught by committed and caring Christian teachers, and personalized tutoring is often available.
- The education at Christian International School of Prague is practically oriented, and our students are challenged to grow into responsible contributors to society. We believe that education should kindle a students’ delight in learning and lay the groundwork for a joyful life of service to the world around us.
- We offer several special programs: ELL (English Language Learning) for multilingual students to achieve fluency in academic English; and Discovery, to help students with learning disabilities succeed.
- Students have the opportunity to progress in Czech language studies according to their level.
- High school students have opportunities to prepare for and take AP (Advanced Placement) exams as well as the SAT and ACT (US college entrance exams).
What grade levels do you teach?
We teach elementary and secondary students, Grades 1-12 (ages 6-18).
- Grades 1-5 – elementary
- Grades 6-8 – middle school
- Grades 9-12 – high school
Students applying for Grade 1 must be six years old by 1 September of the school year for which they are applying.
How many students are in the school/each class?
CISP has one class per grade level. Our classes are small and typically consist of 10-16 students.
Total student enrollment is about 150 students.
Does the secondary school curriculum prepare students for university?
Yes, Christian International School of Prague offers an academically-challenging curriculum which prepares students to continue their studies after high school. Our Advanced Diploma has been accepted at many universities in North America, Europe, and around the world. CISP offers several Advanced Placement (AP) courses which may help students to earn university credit. CISP will provide a nostrification transcript for students applying to university in Prague and Europe.
What universities have accepted CISP graduates?
CISP graduates have been accepted to schools in Prague, Czech Republic, Europe, North America, and around the world. Here are some of the universities our graduates have attended:
Anglo-American University (CZ)
Appalachian State University (USA)
Baylor University (USA)
Biola University (USA)
California Baptist University (USA)
Calvin University (USA)
Cedarville University (USA)
Charles University (CZ)
College of Creative Communication, Prague (CZ)
Columbia International University (USA)
ČVUT – Czech Technical University (CZ)
Fontys University of Applied Sciences (NL)
Grove City College (USA)
Herning Gymnasium (Denmark)
Hope College (USA)
Huntington University (USA)
Jönköping Intl. Business School, Jönköping University (Sweden)
Lapland University of Applied Sciences (Finland)
Liberty University (USA)
Life Bible Institute (USA)
Messiah College (USA)
North Carolina State (USA)
North Greenville University (USA)
North Park University, Chicago, IL (USA)
Northeastern University (USA)
Prague City University (CZ)
Prague College (CZ)
Prague University of Economics and Business (CZ)
Saxion University of Applied Sciences (NL)
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (USA)
Southeastern Louisiana University (USA)
Southern Utah University (USA)
Spring Arbor University (USA)
Swiss University Hotel Management & Tourism (CH)
Taylor University (USA)
Teesside University (UK)
The Master’s University (California, USA)
The University of Bonn, University of Münster (DE)
Union University (Texas, USA)
University in Edinburgh (Scotland, UK)
University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague (CZ)
University of Mary Hardin Baylor (Texas, USA)
University of Melbourne (Australia)
University of Miami (USA)
University of North Carolina, Asheville (USA)
University of New York In Prague (CZ)
University of Southern Indiana (USA)
University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno (CZ)
Westmont College (California, USA)
Wheaton College (Illinois, USA)
William Carey University (California, USA)
William Jessup University (California, USA)
What languages are taught and spoken?
ALL curriculum is taught in English and school life is an English immersion experience. We also offer a full range of Czech language courses for native and non-native speakers. Czech language courses are taught by native Czech speakers. We also offer several levels of German as a foreign language elective for Grade 9-12 students only. Other language electives may be available.
Are there minimum English language requirements?
Yes, each grade level has a minimum English language proficiency requirement for acceptance. Some students will be required to enroll in English Language Learning (ELL) classes as a condition of their acceptance to CISP.
Does CISP provide online schooling?
No, at this time CISP has only an on-site, in-person education program.
Does CISP have a boarding program?
No, CISP does not have a boarding program, and does not provide housing or arrange housing for students. CISP students are required to live with parents or legal guardians.
For students who will not live with parents, the school director requires an interview with the parents and prospective guardians, preferably before entrance testing. Students will only be admitted after approval from the school director. Legal Guardians will preferably be a relative and over the age of 25, and they are required to complete the following forms:
- Legal Guardianship Form: this form must be signed by parents and guardian in the presence of a notary public in the Czech Republic
CISP Legal Guardian Contract: this form must be read and signed by the parents and legal guardian.
When can we apply? Does CISP accept mid-year enrollment?
Enrollment for new students opens in late March. Applications are also processed over the summer, however, please be aware that the on-site interview and entrance testing is not scheduled during the month of July.
Enrollment mid-year is possible if there are available spaces in the requested grade level. New students are no longer accepted after the 4th quarter begins (generally mid-March).
When do classes start?
The school year begins the last week of August and ends in early- or mid-June.
Does CISP provide textbooks and materials for my student?
Yes, CISP provides all textbooks for students. CISP also provides Chromebooks for students in grades 6-12. Almost all school materials are provided by the school for elementary students. Secondary students receive a supply list of what to purchase at the beginning of the school year.
Does CISP have a lunch program?
Many students bring their own lunches to CISP. The school campus also has a cafeteria available to students. More information about the cafeteria can be found here.
Do CISP students wear uniforms?
No. CISP students typically wear casual clothing. They are required to follow general dress code guidelines which are outlined in the Parent-Student Handbook.
Does CISP offer after-school activities?
After school clubs are available for an additional fee. Examples of clubs include: chess, dance, soccer, board games, worship club, karate, and ballet.
Middle school students are invited to participate in the choir.
Secondary sports teams are formed when coaches are available.
Does CISP offer field trips and class trips? Are the costs included?
Yes. All students take a number of field trips to local sites. In addition, one week in May is designated for activities. Elementary students typically have a swim camp in Prague. Students in grades 6-8 attend Škola v přírodě (School in Nature) outside of Prague for five days. Students in grades 9-12 take class trips to another country in Europe; these trips typically correlate to their history classes.
The cost for field trips and class trips are included in the annual tuition and fees.
What kind of accreditation does the school have abroad, and in the Czech Republic?
Does CISP fulfill the compulsory education laws in the Czech republic?
In the Czech Republic, education is compulsory for all students ages 6-15, or until the completion of Grade 9 when compulsory education requirements are satisfied. According to the law Act. No 561/2004 Sb., § 38 par.1 letter c), this can be partially done at CISP. In addition to what CISP provides, parents must fulfill the following requirements:
- § 38 par. 3 – children must be registered at another Czech school – „kmenová“ school
- § 38 par. 5 – children must take semester, annual, or biennial exams at their „kmenová“ school
- The children must take the exams in the following subjects according to Vyhláška No. 48/2005, § 18 – 21 according to the national curriculum (Rámcový vzdělávací plán = RVP)
- Czech language – all years of ZŠ
- Vlastivěda – Grades 1-3
- Člověk a jeho svět – Grades 4-5
- History – Grades 6-9
- Geography – grades 6-9
Can students attend part-time as homeschoolers?
CISP offers several different ways for homeschooling families to partner with CISP. Homeschooling students may sign up to use the school library. They may request to participate in field trips, spring trips, or clubs and sports. They may also enroll part-time in any number of classes. Some elementary homeschooling students join CISP for Czech classes or PE, art or music. Secondary homeschooling students may attend a few selected classes.